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Animal Control Ordinances


Sec. 2.01.001 Definitions

When used in this chapter the following words and terms, unless the context indicates a different meaning, shall be interpreted as follows:

Animal. Any warm-blooded vertebrate creature, domestic or wild, excluding the human species.

Animal control officer. The animal control officer appointed by the city council.

Cat. A domestic feline of either sex, including one neutered or sterilized.

Dangerous dog. A dog that:

(1) Makes an unprovoked attack on a person that causes bodily injury and occurs in a place other than an enclosure in which the dog was being kept and that was reasonably certain to prevent the dog from leaving the enclosure on its own; or

(2) Commits unprovoked acts in a place other than an enclosure in which the dog was being kept and that was reasonably certain to prevent the dog from leaving the enclosure on its own and those acts cause a person to reasonably believe that the dog will attack and cause bodily injury to that person.

Dog. A domestic canine of either sex, including one neutered or sterilized.

Domestic animal. Dog, cat, ferret. Does not include hybrid animals resulting from crossing wild with domestic species.

Harboring. The act of keeping and caring for an animal or of providing a premises to which the animal returns regularly for three consecutive days.

Hybrid. Any offspring of two animals of different species.

Livestock. Includes any cattle, horses, mules, jacks, jennets, goats, sheep, swine or any other livestock.

Local rabies control authority. The chief of police or person so designated by him shall serve as the local rabies control authority for the purposes herein described. The duties of the local rabies authority shall be to:

(1) Receive all reports of suspected rabid animals within the city;

(2) Receive all reports of animal bites or scratches;

(3) Investigate all reports of suspected rabid animals and animal bite episodes; and

(4) Order appropriate quarantine for any dog or cat which has exposed an individual or for any other animal which may have bitten or scratched a person.

Nuisance. Something annoying, unpleasant, or obnoxious.

Owner. Any person, firm, or corporation having title to any animal; or who has, harbors or keeps or who causes or permits to be harbored or kept an animal in his care or who permits an animal to remain on or about their premises.

Poultry. Includes chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, guineas and other fowl.

Rabies vaccination. The vaccination of a dog, cat, ferret, or other domestic animal with an antirabies vaccine approved by the United States Department of Agriculture and administered by a veterinarian licensed by the state.

Running at large. Not completely confined by a building, wall, or fence of sufficient strength or construction to restrain the animal except when such animal is either on a leash or held in the hands of the owner or keeper, or under supervision of the owner within the limits of the owner’s private property. An animal not under restraint and intruding upon the property of a person other than its owner shall be termed “running at large.” An animal within an automobile or other vehicle of its owner shall not be deemed “running at large.”

Secure enclosure. A fenced area or structure that is:

(1) Locked;

(2) Capable of preventing the entry of the general public, including children;

(3) Capable of preventing the escape or release of a dog;

(4) Clearly marked as containing a dangerous dog; and

(5) In conformance with the requirements for enclosures established by the local animal control authority.


(Ordinance 788-2004 adopted 3/9/04)

Stray animal. Any animal for which there is not an identifiable owner or harborer of any animal which does not exhibit evidence of vaccination and/or license. (Ordinance adopting Code)

Wild animal/reptile. Any poisonous or dangerous reptile, or any other animal which can normally be found in the wild state and not normally capable of being domesticated, including, but not limited to, skunks, foxes, leopards, panthers, tigers, lions, lynx, and primates unless certified for medical, biological, herpetological or other scientific research or study.


Sec. 2.01.002 Enforcement

(a) Enforcement of this chapter shall be the responsibility of the animal control officer and the local health authority.

(b) The animal control officer or any police officer shall have the authority to issue citations for any violation of this chapter. If the person being cited is not present, the animal control officer may send the citation to the alleged by registered or certified mail.

(c) It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with, hinder or obstruct an animal control agent, peace officer or other official engaged in the enforcement of this chapter, including but not limited to the failure to release an animal for impoundment or any manner of interference with such impoundment.


Sec. 2.01.003 Running at large; public nuisance; noise

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person who owns, harbors or keeps any animal within the corporate limits of the city to permit that animal to run at large, as defined in this chapter. A stray dog, cat or other animal running at large is hereby declared to be a public nuisance.

(b) The animal control officer or any person acting under his supervision is authorized to impound such animals running at large and to enter upon privately owned property for that purpose.

(c) It shall be unlawful for any person, without regard to the person’s mental state, to cause or permit any dog or other animal or fowl to bark, crow, or otherwise make any loud, repetitive, or unusual noise in a manner that unreasonably annoys, disturbs, or injures the comfort, repose, health, peace, or safety of inhabitants in the vicinity where such noise is made or caused to be made.

(d) An offense under this section is a class C misdemeanor.

State law reference–Animals at large, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, sec. 215.026.

Sec. 2.01.004 Impoundment; citations

(a) The following animals may be impounded:

(1) Cats and dogs not exhibiting evidence of current rabies vaccination;

(2) Any animal infected or kept under conditions which could endanger the public or animal health;

(3) Any animal that creates a nuisance;

(4) Any animal running at large;

(5) Any animal treated in a manner determined by the animal control officer to be cruel or inhumane;

(6) Any animal that has bitten a human being or animal or which needs to be placed under observation for rabies determination, as determined by an animal control officer or otherwise as specified in this chapter;

(7) Any animal violating any provision of this chapter.

The animal control officer can issue citations on noisy animals.

(b) If any animal named in this chapter is found upon the premises of any person, the owner or occupant of the premises shall have the right to confine such animal in a humane manner until he can notify an animal control officer to come and impound such animal. When so notified, it shall be the duty of an animal control officer or someone acting under his authority to have such animal impounded as herein provided.

(c) Reasonable effort shall be made by an animal control officer to contact the owner of the impounded animal; however, final responsibility for location of an impounded animal is that of the owner.

(d) The owner can resume possession of any impounded animal upon payment of impoundment fees, handling fees, and any veterinarian bills incurred by the animal control officer for the welfare of the animal, and upon compliance with vaccination provisions and license requirements of this chapter, except where prohibited by other provisions of this chapter.

(e) Disposition of animals impounded on the grounds of cruel or inhumane treatment shall be determined by the court of proper jurisdiction.

(f) If any animal is being held under quarantine or observation for rabies, the owner shall not be entitled to possession until it has been released from quarantine.

(g) The impoundment of dogs and cats and ferrets that have inflicted human bites shall be quarantine for a period of ten (10) days for observation and shall not be terminated until consent from the local rabies authority is secured. If while in quarantine an animal shows any evidence of having rabies, it will immediately be euthanized and submitted for laboratory testing.

(h) The place for impoundment of all animals impounded under any provision of this chapter shall be as determined by the city council or the animal control officer.

(i) Any nursing animal impounded without the mother, or where the mother cannot or refuses to provide nutritious milk, may be immediately euthanized to prevent further suffering.

(j) Any impounded dangerous or wild animal, unless there is reason to believe that it has an owner, may be immediately disposed of as may be deemed appropriate by the animal control officer.

(k) Any impounded cat or dog not under quarantine may be given up for adoption after seventy-two (72) hours.

(l) After payment to the animal control officer of the “pickup/dropoff” fee set out in the fee schedule found in appendix A to this code, an owner who no longer wishes responsibility for an animal or who believes the animal to be in an ill or injured condition may sign a written waiver supplied by animal control allowing the animal to be immediately euthanized in a humane manner, provided that no warm-blooded animal that has bitten a human being shall be euthanized before authorization is obtained from the local rabies control authority.

(m) Animals injured on public property may be impounded and given adequate veterinary medical treatment pending notification of the owner. If the injured animal is treated and/or impounded, the owner of such animal shall be liable for all expense of the treatment and/or impoundment.

(n) As soon as practicable after impoundment of an animal wearing identification, if the owner of the impounded dog or cat is known, notice by personal service or certified mail shall be given to him. Any impounded dog or cat may be redeemed by the owner upon payment of the impoundment fee, care and feeding charges and such other costs as set by the city council. If such animal is not redeemed within seventy-two (72) hours, and after reasonable effort has been made to locate its owner, it shall be considered abandoned and may be placed for adoption subject to payment of the impoundment fee, care and feeding charges, veterinary charges, and such other costs as set by the city council; or the animal may be humanely euthanized in accordance with state requirements and those of the city animal shelter.

(o) If a complaint has been filed in municipal court in the city against the owner of an impounded animal for violation of this chapter, the animal shall not be released except on the order of the court, which may also direct the owner to pay any penalties for violation of this chapter in addition to all impoundment fees. The court may, upon making a finding that such animal is dangerous or that it represents a clear and present danger or nuisance to the citizens or to other animals in the community, order said animal to be euthanized in a humane manner [and order the] surrender of an animal by the owner thereof to the animal control officer.

State law reference–Authority of city to regulate the capture and impoundment of animals, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, sec. 215.026(c).

Sec. 2.01.005 Miscellaneous offenses

(a) The following shall be considered a public nuisance and shall be unlawful:

(1) If an animal continues to be without necessary food and water for more than twelve (12) successive hours, any person may enter the pound or corral as often as necessary to supply the animal with necessary food and water. That person may recover the reasonable cost of the food and water from the owner of the animal. The animal is not exempt from levy and sale on execution of a judgment issued to recover those costs.


(Ordinance 788-2004 adopted 3/9/04)

(2) It shall be unlawful for any person or persons within the city limits to keep or pen any cattle, horses, mules, jacks, jennets, goats, sheep, swine or any other livestock unless such is permitted in the zoning district in which the property is located. (Ordinance adopting Code)

(3) It shall be unlawful to harbor, keep, cage or pen any type poultry.

(4) All animal pens or enclosures in which any animal may be kept or confined which from use have become offensive to a person of ordinary sensibilities.

(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to commit or cause to be committed any act of cruelty, harassment, or torture to any animal, or to intentionally cause such animal to be mutilated or inhumanely killed. Ownership of the animal, or the commission of such act of cruelty on private property, shall not be justifiable defenses for violation of this subsection.

(c) It shall be unlawful for any person to poison any domestic animal or to distribute poison or toxicant on public or private property in any manner whatsoever with the intent of poisoning any domestic animal.

(d) It shall be unlawful for any person to willfully abandon any animal or to withhold food or water from any animal such that its health is endangered or that it is caused to suffer unduly.

(e) It shall be unlawful for any person to cause, instigate or encourage any dog or other animal to fight with another of its own species or with another of a different species. It shall be unlawful for any person to train or keep any dog or other animal for the purpose of or to maintain a place where any dog or other animal is permitted to fight for exhibition, wager, or sport.

(f) The owner or person in possession of animals shall keep yards, pens and enclosures in which such animals are confined in such manner as not to give off odors offensive to persons of ordinary sensibilities residing in the vicinity or to breed or attract flies, mosquitoes, or other noxious insects or to in any manner endanger the public health or safety or create a public nuisance.

(g) Property damaged or destroyed by animals.
(1) A person commits an offense if they allow an animal to run at large within the city limits. The owner shall also be held responsible for damage or destruction caused by their animal while restrained or at large on public or other private property not their own.

(2) An offense under this subsection is a class C misdemeanor if the amount of pecuniary loss is less than $50.00;

(3) An offense under this subsection is a class B misdemeanor if the amount of pecuniary loss is $50.00 or more, but less than $500.00; or

(4) An offense under this subsection is class A misdemeanor if the amount of pecuniary loss is $500.00 or more, but less than $1,500.00.

(h) Killing of animals.

(1) The animal control officer or any police officer shall have the authority to kill any feral or injured animal immediately.

(2) A member of the police department or a duly authorized agent is authorized to kill any animal of any kind when it is necessary for the protection of any person or property.

Sec. 2.01.006 Animal shelter designation; supervision

There shall be provided and/or designated a suitable place for the impounding of all dogs, cats, rabbits or poultry picked up under the provisions of this chapter, and such animal shelter shall be supervised by the animal shelter manager. When authorized by the city council, the city administrator or his designee may contract with one (1) or more veterinary clinics or one (1) or more private individuals in the city to keep the impounded dogs, cats, rabbits, poultry or other animals in lieu of the city. Policies and procedures shall be established by the city.


Sec. 2.01.007 Animal shelter operations

(a) Animal control officer’s duties.

(1) Enter upon private premises to apprehend any at-large dog or cat, a dangerous dog or cat, or a wild creature.

(2) Enter upon private premises to investigate complaints or irresponsibility or inhumane animal care or harboring.

(3) Apprehend and impound any dog, cat, rabbit or poultry or any livestock in violation of any provision of this chapter within the city limits.

(4) Report in writing once each month the total number of animals impounded, redeemed, adopted or disposed of.

(5) Watch for, investigate and enforce the provisions of this chapter.

(6) Shall not be responsible for the apprehension or disposal of animals (except for dogs, cats, rabbits or poultry), rodents, reptiles or insects.

(b) The city shall provide an animal shelter and equip same for the safekeeping of all dogs and cats that may be taken up under the terms of this chapter. Such shelter shall be operated in a humane and businesslike manner.

Sec. 2.01.008 Animals prohibited; exception

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to import, offer for sale, keep, maintain, or harbor in the city any wild animal or reptile, including but not limited to monkey or other nonhuman primate, skunk, raccoon, jaguar, leopard, lynx, tiger, lion, ocelot, bobcat, cheetah, mountain lion, panther, bear, wolf, coyote, fox or other carnivorous animal. Hybrid animals, resulting from crossing wild with domestic species, are also prohibited.

(b) It is hereby prohibited and it shall be unlawful for any person to import, offer for sale or trade, keep, maintain, show, exhibit, or harbor in the city any endangered species of animal as defined by the United States Department of the Interior or the state department of parks and wildlife.

(c) This section shall not apply to:

(1) A bona fide research institution using animals for scientific research;

(2) A circus duly authorized to do business in the city

(d) It shall be unlawful for any person, without regard to the person’s mental state, to keep swine, goats, sheep, and fowl, including but not limited to emus, ostriches, chickens, ducks, geese, and guineas, within the city limits, with the exception of those being transported within an enclosed vehicle by someone engaged in transportation in connection with auction, slaughterhouse or like facility.

Sec. 2.01.009 Limitation on number of dogs and cats

(a) It shall be declared a nuisance for any person, owner, or family to harbor or maintain more than three (3) dogs or cats or any combination thereof, over six months of age. Exception: If a pet owner desires to keep more than the maximum number of three (3), the owner shall make application to the animal control officer. Upon receipt of the application the animal control officer and the health inspector shall inspect the premises to ensure the area is sufficient to house additional pets and will not likely result in a nuisance.

(b) This section shall not apply to veterinary clinics or hospitals.

(Ordinance 788-2004 adopted 3/9/04)

Sec. 2.01.010 Licensing or registration of dogs and cats

Each dog or cat license or registration certificate shall be issued for only one dog or one cat. The fee for the license or registration shall be as provided in the fee schedule in appendix A to this code. The license or registration certificate shall be issued by the animal control officer, upon receipt of proof by the owner or keeper of said dog or cat that the animal has been inoculated for rabies as hereinafter set out. (Ordinance adopting Code)

Sec. 2.01.011 Penalty

A person who violates a provision of this chapter is guilty of a separate offense for each day or portion of a day during which the violation is committed, continues, or is permitted, and each offense is punishable by a fine in accordance with the general penalty found in section 1.01.009 of this code. (Ordinance adopting Code)

Sec. 2.01.012 Immunity from damages

Any animal control officer, supervisor of animal control, local health officer, police officer or person acting under their direction shall not be held to answer or be liable for damages in any action brought by the registered owner or other person legally entitled to the possession of an animal when the animal is impounded, euthanized or otherwise disposed of in accordance with this chapter.

Sec. 2.01.013 Adoptions

(a) An individual may adopt a dog or cat from the city animal shelter under the following conditions:

(1) The animal has been classified as adoptable by the animal control officer;

(2) The prospective adopter has proper facilities to care for the animal;

(3) The prospective adopter obtains the necessary vaccinations.

(b) The animal control officer may refuse to allow a person to adopt a dog or cat when he has reason to believe the person seeking adoption:

(1) Would not have proper facilities to contain or care for the animal as required by this chapter;

(2) Wants the dog or cat for the purpose of resale for purposes other than pet ownership; or

(3) Would so maintain the cat or dog that it would be a hazard to humans or other animals.


Sec. 2.02.001 Dangerous wild animals

Dangerous wild animals, as defined in V.T.C.A., Health and Safety Code, section 822.101, shall be regulated in accordance with the provisions of V.T.C.A, Health and Safety Code, chapter 822, subchapter E, section 822.101 et seq. (Ordinance adopting Code)

Sec. 2.02.002 Dangerous dogs

Dangerous dogs, as defined in V.T.C.A., Health and Safety Code, section 822.041, shall be regulated in accordance with the provisions of V.T.C.A., Health and Safety Code, chapter 822, subchapter D, section 822.041 et seq. (Ordinance adopting Code)


Sec. 2.02.002 Guard dogs

It shall be unlawful to place or maintain any dog which has been specifically [trained] to attack in any area for the protection of persons or property unless the dog is physically confined to a specific enclosed area. The enclosed area or premises in which the dog is confined must be conspicuously posted with warning signs bearing letters not less than two (2) inches high and placed not less than twenty-five (25) feet [apart] on or adjacent to the structure or barrier which confines the animal. In no event shall less than one (1) warning sign be conspicuously posted.




Sec. 2.03.001 Guidelines; animal registration

The following provisions are in accordance with and intended in furtherance of the Rabies Control Act of 1981, article 4477-6a, section 2.01(f), V.T.C.A., and the rules enacted by the state board of health pursuant to article 4477-6a, section 2.01(f), V.T.C.A., entitled “Rabies Control and Eradication,” 169.21–169.33, which provisions are hereby adopted:

(1) Any person moving into the city from a location outside of the city shall comply with this section within ten (10) days after having moved within the corporate city limits.

(Ordinance 788-2004 adopted 3/9/04)

(2) The owner or custodian (excluding animal shelters) of each domestic dog or cat shall have the animal vaccinated against rabies by four months of age. The animal must receive a booster within the 12-month interval following the initial vaccination. Every domestic dog or cat must be revaccinated against rabies at a minimum of at least once every three years with a rabies vaccine licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture. The vaccine must be administered according to label recommendations. (Ordinance adopting Code)

(3) Upon vaccination, the veterinarian shall execute and furnish to the owner of the dog or cat, as evidence thereof, a certificate upon a form furnished by the veterinarian. The veterinarian shall retain his copy for a minimum period of three (3) years from date of issuance. Such certificate shall contain the following information:

(A) Owner’s name, address, and telephone number;

(B) Animal identification of species, age, sex, size (in pounds), predominant breed and colors;

(C) Vaccine used, producer expiration date, and serial number;

(D) Date vaccinated;

(E) Rabies tag number;

(F) Veterinarian’s signature or signature stamp and license number.

(4) The owner of any dog or cat within the city four (4) months of age or older must have such dog or cat currently registered with city animal control. A current metal registration tag, issued by city animal control, must be affixed to a collar or harness that must be worn at all times by the dog or cat. No dog or cat shall be registered until it has current rabies vaccination.

(A) Application for registration shall be made in person by the owner and accepted by the animal control department after:

(i) Proof of current rabies vaccination has been shown; and

(ii) Payment of the current registration fee as provided in section 2.01.010 of the fee schedule in appendix A to this code has been paid.



(Ordinance 788-2004 adopted 3/9/04)

(B) The registration certificate shall expire on the same day of the year on which the rabies certificate expires. (Ordinance adopting Code)

(C) If there is a change in ownership of a registered dog or cat, the new owner (if a city resident) shall have the registration transferred to his name. There shall be no charge for this service, unless the registration certificate has expired.

(D) Fee-exempt registrations may be issued for the following:

(i) A dog used for law enforcement purposes; and

(ii) A dog that has completed a formal training program; or

(iii) A dog that has been trained by an organization generally recognized by agencies involved in the rehabilitation of persons with a physical challenge as reputable and competent to provide dogs with training of this type to assist the auditory or visually impaired person.

(5) In the event of loss or destruction of the original tag, the owner of the dog or cat shall obtain a duplicate tag.

(6) It shall be unlawful for any person who owns or harbors a vaccinated dog or cat to fail or to refuse to exhibit their copy of the certificate of vaccination upon demand to any person charged with the enforcement of this chapter.

(7) It shall be unlawful for any person to harbor any dog or cat which has not been vaccinated against rabies, as provided herein, or which cannot be identified as having a current vaccination certificate.

(8) Any person having knowledge of the existence of any animal known to have been or suspected of being exposed to rabies must immediately report such knowledge to the local rabies authority giving him any information which he may require. As to any animal known to have been or suspected of being exposed to rabies, the following rules must apply:

(A) Unvaccinated animals which have been bitten or directly exposed by physical contact with a rabid animal or its fresh tissues should be:

(i) Humanely killed; or

(ii) If sufficient justification for preserving the animal exists, the exposed animal should be immediately vaccinated against rabies, placed in strict isolation for 90 days and given booster vaccinations during the third and eighth weeks of isolation. If the animal is under three months of age at the time of the second vaccination, an additional booster shall be given when the animal reaches three months of age.

(B) Vaccinated animals which have been bitten or otherwise significantly exposed to a rabid animal should be:

(i) Humanely killed; or

(ii) If sufficient justification for preserving the animal exists, the exposed vaccinated animal should be given a booster rabies vaccination and placed in strict isolation for 45 days.

(C) These provisions apply only to domestic animals for which an approved rabies vaccine is available.

(9) It shall be unlawful for any person to make use of a stolen, counterfeit or forged rabies vaccination certificate, vaccination tag, or other type license as may be required by this chapter.

(10) It shall be unlawful for any person to use any rabies tag for any dog or cat other than the dog or cat for which such tag was originally issued.


(Ordinance 788-2004 adopted 3/9/04)

Sec. 2.03.002 Reporting bites from animals susceptible to rabies and related procedures

(a) Any person having knowledge that an animal has bitten a human shall immediately report the incident to the local rabies authority. Every physician or other medical practitioner who treats a person or persons for such bites shall, within twenty-four (24) hours, report such treatment to the local rabies authority or his agent, giving name, age, sex and precise location of the bitten person or persons and such other information as the local rabies authority may require. (Ordinance adopting Code)

(b) Humans bitten by birds and reptiles are excluded from the reporting requirements of this section.

(c) Any veterinarian who clinically diagnoses rabies or any person who suspects rabies in a dog, cat or other domestic or wild animal shall immediately report that incident to the local rabies authority, or his agent, stating precisely where such animal may be found. If a known or suspected rabid animal bites or attacks a domestic animal, such incident shall also be reported as required above.

(d) Any dog or cat or ferret which has bitten a person shall be observed for a period of ten (10) days from the day of the bite. The procedure and place of observation shall be designated by the local rabies authority or his agent. Confinement shall be by impoundment in the city animal shelter or at any veterinary hospital of the owner’s choice. Such confinement shall be at the expense of the owner. Stray dogs or cats whose owners cannot be located shall be confined in the city animal shelter or another veterinary hospital. The owner of any dog or cat that has been reported to have inflicted a bite on any person or animal, or to have been exposed to rabies, shall on demand produce said dog or cat for impoundment, as prescribed in this section. Refusal to produce said dog or cat constitutes a violation of this section, and each day of such refusal shall constitute a separate and individual violation. At no time shall a dog or cat be allowed an in-home quarantine if it is in violation of any provision of this chapter.

(e) When an animal bites or scratches a person under conditions presenting a substantial probability that the animal was infected with rabies, the local rabies authority may, upon his finding that the quarantine period should not be observed because of danger of developing rabies, order the immediate destruction of the animal and cause its head to be forwarded to a qualified laboratory for rabies examination.

(f) Violation of animal quarantine requirement. It shall be unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to quarantine or present for quarantine any animal which is required or ordered to be quarantined pursuant to the provisions of this section.

(g) It shall be unlawful for any person to remove from any place of confinement any animal which has been confined as authorized, without the consent of the local rabies authority.

(h) In addition to citation for violation of the preceding subsections, the local rabies authority is hereby authorized to pursue, in conjunction with the city attorney, such civil remedies as he deems appropriate to achieve compliance with the foregoing impoundment and quarantine requirements.

(i) Procedures concerning bites from other animals shall be discussed with the local health authority, city administrator, chief of police, animal control officer, or the department of state health services for proper disposition. Any wild animal which has bitten a person should be caught and killed and the brain immediately submitted to a qualified laboratory for rabies examination. An exception to this rule may be allowed for large, exotic, or valuable zoo species, which, by reason of their close confinement, would be unlikely rabies vectors. Also birds and species at low risk of carrying rabies (opossums, rodents, rabbits, armadillos, moles and shrews) may be evaluated on an individual case basis. Birds and reptiles are not considered to be transmitters of the rabies virus and should not be submitted for laboratory examination for rabies.

(Ordinance 788-2004 adopted 3/9/04)

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